Donations test
Contribution Requests:
Leiszler Oil Co., Inc. believes giving back to the communities where we live and work and is one of our core values. We receive hundreds of contribution requests each month; therefore, requests must be received at least 20 business days prior to the date of your event. Those communities where we have stores within our territory will be the recipients of our charity dollars. Unfortunately, it is not possible to honor all requests even though most are very worthwhile causes. Organizations are asked to limit their requests to one per calendar year. Due to the high volume of requests we receive, the following guidelines below will be followed.
Request Process:
We require a written Contribution Request Form be filled out in its entirety.
Attach any additional information to the back of the completed form. Organizations seeking a multi-year pledge or high dollar contribution will need to include the total cost of the project and how much money has been raised thus far.
All requests must follow the guidelines listed below to receive serious consideration:
- Request must be submitted at least 20 business days prior to the date for which the donation is needed.
- Request can be submitted by fax, mail or on-line. All requests must be received in writing on the Form provided. Email and telephone requests will not be given any consideration.
- Submit one request regardless of whether you wish to receive donations from several store locations.
- Due to the high volume of requests we receive, refrain from calling the Corporate Headquarters or our stores to check on the status of a previously requested donation.
- Checks will only be made payable to organizations and events, not individuals.
- All requests, whether approved or declined, will be responded to in timely fashion assuming complete contact information is included on the request.